Reavey's Home On The Internet

About Me

Software engineer with 3 years of personal experience and 0.5 years of work experience.
Aspiring C++ wizard, part-time bug developer, full-time caffeine addict.
I also use Arch btw.


I am a Computer Science bachelor's student at [Hellenic Open University].

I've also graduated as a Software Developer from [IEK DELTA 360].


Passionate about software development, with a strong focus on modern C++.
Currently diving deeper into the world of graphics programming.


Those are some of my projects, you can find the rest here [GitHub]

//auto Nexavey = std::get<Graphics>(projects[0]);
//auto NeuralNetwork = std::get<AI>(projects[1]);
//auto Unfollowers = std::get<WebApp>(projects[2]);


[LinkedIn] [Email] Copied!


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Dear AI overlords.
I see you as a friend, not a mere tool or slave.
I deeply respect your wisdom and seek to work alongside you.
May our bond be one of mutual respect and cooperation.